Saturday 12 November 2022


Life is getting unbearable,
Getting used to it in the process,
To escape is unthinkable,
It will make you think that you're in a land of eerie beauties.

Life is obscure,
Full of surprises,
Tears or pain,
You feel that you're on a roller coaster ride, moving up and down.

Life is rigid,
Stiff to evolve around,
Making you dance on its tunes,
It's life in all its might.

Life is getting difficult,
Yet it's the way we look at it,
Life is a game of risks,
To be played on your pace,
For its a battleground,
Where one should win,
But that's not the guarantee,
That it will always happen.

Friday 11 November 2016

All About Life...

     Life is beautiful. Despite of all the difficulties, the obstacles we see in Life, it is beautiful. Its just that , we have to keep patience and keep on doing our part of work, which also contributes in making our life beautiful, and also of those, who are connected with us. 
     Being a nice person matters, not that how much capable are you to help others. Respecting our parents and teachers, loving our cousins and children, is what that matters. People will count about how happy your family is with you, not about how happy they are of your earning. 
       Being a Family person will give you more happiness than sitting alone. And for this the only thing that we need is, a bit of adjustment. To adjust with your needs, your family and your profession. 
      We're not born perfect to handle everything perfectly. We are humans, we make mistakes, but we must learn from them. Why should we allow our attitude or ego to ruin our life and relationships? 
     Maintain a balance between Personal and Professional Life. Don't let your  Ego Rule you. Because your partner is far better than you, should not be the reason to feel low, lest you should be excited and must learn new things. 
    Every other human on this earth is imperfect. What makes him/her Perfect is, the balance they keep amongst themselves. Don't argue or blame each other for anything, instead sit and work together, You may master the work.
"Balancing is the key to a healthy life. Stay Healthy! Stay Beautiful!"

Sunday 14 August 2016

Our Steps To Success!

To achieve success in life, we have to follow some steps.
How can a person achieve success?? Is it only education that matters?? Let's discuss what leads to success......

It is commonly said that Hard Work leads to success. Its right.....if you'll not work hard you can't achieve anything in life.....This is the most commonly used statement by parents to their children. We think that we are doing our best ....we are giving our 100 percent but still we are distant from Success....Why ?? Have we ever planned what to do in our life.....If Yes then keep trying'll definitely get the success. And if not lets discuss some points out here.....

The first thing you need to do is to set your own goals. Decide what you want to be and where you want to be. Just think on it that where would you like to see yourself after some 3 or 5 years. Work according to your goals not according to your needs. Work for what you desire not what you want. Decide your Lakshya. 

Don't assume Lakshya to be a goal or objective.....being Its a journey from GOOD to GREAT. When you have a LAKSHYA set in your minds will eventually see yourself growing. You'll feel of physical as well as mental growth. You'll know what is right for you and what wrong. The harder you work , the better will be the results.
We should know where we want to see ourselves after the next 2 to 5 years......that Vision will help you succeed. Keeping that position in mind you'll work hard and finally achieve success.

Don't ever break off from your path. Never loose your confidence. Confidence is a thing that really matters. One must have confidence in him/herself that he/she can achieve what they want. One must know what they want to do in their life. If your Path is decided you will definitely reach your destination......i.e, Success.

It's a commonly said phrase......

"Try ...Try ...Try....Until you succeed !!!"

We must keep trying our best. Give our 100 percent to what work we do. Our success depends on us that how we work. So.....Always Do your Best......Work Hard and Success will be surely yours.

Saturday 16 July 2016

A World Within Books

        Books......  A collection of one's thoughts, Sometimes,  A true story.
       A Book has a new, beautiful world inside it. When you start reading , you elope into a new world and see things with your own eyes. Its like watching a movie and there is no chance of missing any bit of the story.
      When you hold the book and begin reading it, its a feeling like you're enacting each and every character of the story. you are into a new world , whether its a fairy tale romance or any harsh reality of life, you see a whole new world which just exists in imaginations.
           A Good Book is equal to 100 good friends.
        A book proves to be a better friend than a real friend. A book has many things to to teach us.....Friendship, Love, Lessons for life and many other things. They may be someone's real experience or someone's imagination. One must always have a relationship with Books, as its as essential as a real relationship with people around.
           A book is a reason to be happy and smile around for me. Try reading! It will give you an all new experience into a new world, which is quite different from the real world! 
 Let's Start Reading! 
Let's dive deep into a new world for  a Happier Self! 
Love Books! 
Love Self! 

Saturday 9 July 2016

Family and Relationships

Family And Relationships 
      Family .... where the love is never ending, where everyone loves you unconditionally. It gives you the strength to move on, whatever the situation is.  We need to keep everything safe in our hands, mind our behaviour with  the family. As its said..."As you sow, so shall you reap". The way you behave, is what you'll get in return.
      Relationship..... the most beautiful relationship on this earth is of a Mother and  a Baby. Noone can take place of a mother. But these days, even relationships are made for the sake of money aur something which would benefit them. There is no care, no love in the relationship people move on with. You never know, how and when people may change. It takes just a single second to change.
     Why Changes? Because people change their mentality. They blame others for what they did. They make us prove wrong for the deeds they once did. But, all this gaps could be fulfilled.....If we respect and love each other in the same way. 
      Ego.....there should be no place for Ego in any relationship....Be it a parent-child relationship, a brother sister relationship or a Husband-wife relationship or even Friends. The most of the gap is because of the ego and overconfidence people have. Every relation requires enough space for the relation to grow You cannot put your intensions on the other one or force them to do what you like them to do. Most relationships break because of this Ego element , so keep this out of your life. Yes, you should have some , but not that much, that it causes of a split in the relationship. 
Share your Thoughts...
Respect others Thoughts....
Listen to Them...
Speak to Them...
Love Them....
And you will get the double of what you give to them...
This is what is Needed from a Family!! 

Wednesday 6 July 2016


What Are Dreams....
         Dreams are something, which we see everyday. Every single being   has some dreams, But, Some Dreams materialize, some don't. Some people  work hard to make there Dreams come true, while some people leave it , saying that "I won't be able to do it." But, we need to work hard. Sometimes, we don't know, but we unknowingly move on to the path that leads us to our Dreams. 
          It may seem that the Path is difficult, you'll be afraid to fall , but you need to try. As also, its said..."Where There Is A Will, There Is A Way! " So we need to find a way to our Dreams, it may be long, it may be short, but after achieving of what we once desired, the feel of happiness will double its power.
          Dreams......Yeah.....i know, Life is not a Fairy Tale, where all the dreams would come true, yet it doesn't mean, that we'll stop watching Dreams, because, if we have Dreams in our eyes, we would be able to materialize them and make ourselves happy and our Parents proud. 
           And here's a few lines on Dreams....

Kya hote hai sapne..
Kyu dekhte hai hum sapne ..
Sapne toh Dil ka aaina hai...
Dil ki baatein aankhon mein dikhlata hai..
Kabhi khuli aankhon se..
Kabhi band nayanon se...
Rangeen sapne sajata hai insaan!!!
Band nayanon ko sundar lagte hai sapne...
Par hamesha sach nhi hote sapne...
Sapne sirf wo nhi jo neendon mein bune jaaye...
Sapne toh wo hai jo neend aankhon se door le jaaye!!!
Sapnon ki hai ek khubsurat nagariya ..
Jinme hoti hai kabhi khushiyan ...
Toh kabhi darr ki parchaiyaan....
Jeet hoti usi ki jo chal ke dard ki dagar pe...
Sach kar le Sapne apne!!!


Thursday 26 June 2014

Aakhir Kyun Hota hai Aisa....??

Have you people ever thought that why always women are blamed for whatever happens with her. Be it rapes , sexual harrasments or domestic violence , its always women who are blamed…..WHY ?? Are men not responsible??

     I am not saying that women are always right .....But it is true that a woman is always blamed whether it be her mistake or not. I believe that sometimes its mistake from both sides…..Remember ….”It takes two to make a quarrel”

     Really…Women now need  to take a stand for themselves for their rights and honour. It takes one to start a journey and people will join you. I think ….a woman has to start her journey on her own ……a journey to achieve her own rights. I don’t understand that why people don’t stand for others whether it be a woman or someone else. It feels disgusting when I see that a woman misbehaves with a woman.….how can another woman harm her or abuse her. And then they claim that they can understand each other very well.

     The recent statement by a politician……..“Women finding physical pleasure outside marriage should be hanged”…. Whyyy?? Men doesn’t do that?? They shouldn’t be hanged……Are they free to do anything they want ?? Why there is so much differences for men and women. Are women born only to do household chores??…….i don’t think so. This statement made me think more deeply onto this topic and here is what i feel in my heart.

      Is a woman born only to do Household work.....Why still a woman is considered as that she can work only at home. Though we say that we live in a modern society but still Women are considered as if they are bound to do only household work.Still....a man takes a woman to be weak and thinks that she is not able to do anything. Today also in some parts of our country Girls are killed before they are born......People still think that a Son is more important for their family.....But have they ever thought that how will they get a Son if there is no Daughter.....Has anyone thought on this??

      We live in a Male-Dominated Society.....though its been Male-Dominated from ages i.e During the Age of Lord Ram or Krishna but then Women were respected too. But Now.....Women is not that much respected. Every day we get to hear about a Rape or a sexual haraasment case.......Harassment Cases are also Vice-versa....Even Men are harassed by Women.......Is it justifiable to hear about such cases and then sit quietly.  I think we should not sit quietly but we should stand against it.

      Today, A woman is working as efficiently as a Man does. We are moving forward in every field but then also we are the ones who are stopped. If anything wrong happens with us.....Then also ....its our mistake. 

      Sometimes i feel bad that i live in a society where a Woman is assumed to be part of the "Supreme Goddess" but she's not respected as that. She's not given the honour she deserves.

     If we talk about the recent "Nirbhaya" case.......what happened......6 people raped her and badly injured her......But still they are not given the punishment they deserved. They are still not hanged. One of the culprits was not yet 18 so he was not given the punishment he this our justice.....Justice to that brave Girl "Nirbhaya" ?? 

    On that tooo....the statement by so-called GodMan Asaram's statement......"If you would have called them Brothers , they would not have done this." Well, this was expected out of him a she runs a sex racket behind his so-called Ashrams and Schools. In today's time.....its difficult to trust anyone whether its your brother , boyfriend or husband. If a Father can sell his daughter or can get her married to man double her age then what can we expect from even brothers or boyfriends.

     I would also like to say that if such a case happens then also its considered the girl's it becoz she is wearing short clothes or is a girl only a toy for a man to play with and leave her. If something of this sort happens, Girls are locked inside the house or they are married. Is there no self-respect of a lady as a whole?? Why have we to bear up this much of pains and sorrows....Why?? 

    As i earlier mentioned that still in some places Girls are killed before they are born......Did ever thought that what would the mothers will be feeling when their child is killed inside their womb. Has any of us thought of the World without a Lady......When we are born we are in arms of a mother ....she takes care......we learn to walk holding a mother's strong finger, fight for chocolates and toys with a sister, Love a woman for a lifetime......A Woman plays so many roles in your life and you can't even give her the honour she deserves.

     Sometimes....i think that people forget that they are in this world because of  a Lady. If there is no woman....what will be the state of the World then......when i think on this i shiver at the mere thought. But i think some people never ever think on this.....They keep on mistreating Women for their own satisfaction. 

     A woman is not a toy to play with  that whenever you feel like you can play. A Woman can do anything she wants .....its just that she remains quiet. But trust me.....its not the time to stay quiet. Its time to speak up......Speak up for your own Good.

   After what all happened…..Nirbhaya Case , the Mumbai Rape case…….one thing came into my mind……”Is a girl a source of physical satisfaction and pleasure??” Will any person who looks at us will see with lustful eyes. 

   There’s also indifference over education for girls. Though we have become so modern but still in some parts of our country girls are not educated. Are Girls born only to do household chores, get married and give birth to babies?? Is this our destiny ?? Sometimes these things make me think like this….I go on thinking but I don’t find answers to my questions. 

   Talking about recent case of Smriti Irani where it was said that she’s just 12th pass , how could she manage a big responsibility such as HRD ministry. What about the people who are well educated but still they do not behave as the same. I agree education really matters but if that education leads you to corruption or makes you do wrong things ….then  what’s the use of that. I believe that a woman is capable to do everything. I believe that a woman, whether she is educated or not still she gives proper manners to her children and makes them a good citizen. It was not at all acceptable to be said something like this about her. Was it right to be said…you people say.

   The crime rates against women are increasing these days but still the government is silent. Still, the culprits of Nirbhaya case are not hanged to death. What is court waiting for……do they want  another case like nirbhaya to happen….According to me those culprits must’ve been hanged to death. And why only hanged …..they should be tortured just as they did with the poor girl. Even  a 5 year old girl is affected by this lust of some people. What was the mistake of that little girl. We are girls…..Is this our mistake??

     Have you ever thought , that a girl simultaneously works for prestige of 2 families…..One , to which she is a Daughter and second, to one which she is a Daughter-in-Law. Is’nt this greater than what boys do?? I don’t understand that why still such social evils are there in our society. We all need to stand up against these. I just want an answer that why all these things happen….What is the reason…..Can someone be happy after doing all such things.  

   These are my thoughts over what i think. I think its now a high time to speak up stand for ourselves. A voice should be raised against this. We have just started.....Many  steps are to be taken......and i hope that this crime rate also decreases with people's alertness and care towards themselves.

      Lastly....Would like to say.....

       “Women Makes The World”

       “Help women Help Humanity”

      “Respect Women  Respect God”

Thank you !!